Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You're Perfect for the Mentoring Program.Take a Look at What AFP Has to Offer...

The Mentoring Program matches advanced fundraising professionals with AFP members who want to develop their skills in a particular area--from annual fund to major gifts to event planning to career development--to name just a few of the possibilities.  Your mentor will then meet with you regularly throughout the year and provide you with personalized feedback, direction and nurturing to help you build your career.

Mentees gain valuable skills and personalized career-building support through a one-on-one mentoring relationship.  You can focus on a fundraising topic of your choice that has practical application to your job.   It’s like having a free consultant dedicated to advancing your career.

Mentors have an opportunity to share their professional expertise and to nurture rising stars within our profession.

How does the AFP Mentoring Program work?
  • People who would like to be mentored identify themselves to the program facilitator.  Mentees complete an enrollment form and skills/needs survey that helps them establish goals.
  • People who would like to be mentors also let us know of their interest.  Mentors should have 5+ years in development, a desire to help other fundraisers, and a willingness to focus on the mentees goals and needs and help him/her achieve them.
  • The facilitator matches mentees and mentor, considering geography, subject matter to be worked on and matching people from organizations that are mutually illuminating while not being competitive.
  • Mentees identify a project or 1-3 specific goals they hope to accomplish during the year.  Where do they want to be in their careers in 2 years?  What specifically do they need to master to serve their institution more effectively?
  • These goals should also mesh with the AFP Knowledge Areas and Curriculum Framework.
  • Mentors and mentees agree on the goals and basic format for their meetings beforehand and sign an agreement.
  • Mentor/mentess meet at least monthly and probably connect more often via phone and/or email.
  • Communication is confidential and structured enough to ensure progress but open enough to foster communication and evolve as needed.
  • Both members of the pair need to have a sense of purpose and accountability.
  • The pairs should meet somewhere they both feel comfortable to speak openly.
  • The facilitator checks in with all program participants monthly and convenes the entire group every other month so they can report back on their progress and experiences.
  • The program is for AFP members, and it is free. 

What time commitment is involved?
Mentor/mentess meet at least monthly and probably connect more often via phone and/or email.  The entire group meets for an hour every other month so they can report back on their progress and experiences.

Is there a cost?

Do you have to be a member of AFP to take advantage of the program?


How do I get involved?
Please contact Mary Saionz, Mentoring Program Coordinator, 917-1203/ mary-saionz@smh.com.

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